I have multiple friends and family members that suffer from a variety of illnesses. Of course their lifestyles are different- some are vegetarians, some are busy single mothers, manly men, gym rats, etc. They all have their own mantra or diet that "fits" their lifestyles and when you google 'diet' alone, you have so many to choose from. You are constantly asking, which one will fit me? Do I need to cut out carbs? Eat only veggies? What about drinking my meals?Let me explain what we need to survive and you can make your only decisions!
Macronutrients, these are going to be the building blocks of your diet.
Proteins are created by chains of amino acids. There are 20 known amino acids that we need to live, 11 of those are made by our own bodies and the other nine we have to supplement through diet to get. Proteins are essential for every activity carried out by your body. Our body cannot carry out the functions needed to sustain life. As you can read by the little bubbles coming from the little missy on the left, they are pretty important. Not only do they create a majority of our body, they also protect our body.
Carbohydrates give our bodies the energy to perform the functions we need to survive. It's the oil to our car.Carbs broken down are turned into sugars, glucose to be exact.Glucose is the main fuel our body uses.
Obviously, there are good and bad fats in certain foods.The bad may add a little too much cushion, however, good fats are utilized to protect the organs and our cells. They also store and help absorb vitamins. Also fats are used to lubricate/moisturize our skin and hair.
Now on a smaller scale...micronutrients
Vitamins are translated as vita- meaning "essential" or "vital" and -amin standing for "amino acid" . So those amino acids are needed. A deficiency in these nutrients can actually manifest in sickness and disorders. I'm not going to go into the importance of each because there are many vitamins.That may have to be a series of posts! So I'm going to only emphasize the "beauty bonuses" of a few particular ones. After all, this is a skin blog!

Vitamin C is another ingredients in skincare that is proven to be beneficial. not only is vitamin C and antioxidant but it also stimulates the production of collagen within our skin. Vitamin C has also been studied and proven to help fight photo damage. That's why, along with sunscreen, vitamin C is encouraged to be in skincare for daily use.
Vitamin E is also an antioxidant that is used more for moisturizing and conditioning the skin. It is actually been stated that vitamin C and vitamin E work better together than separate. Together they act like superheroes, vitamin E and C fighting off free radicals. And when vitamin E gets damaged, vitamin C actually begins to repair it's partner.
Whether you have these nutrients as a part of your meal or you supplement them, they are important for our well-being. Just think, if these things can have such a great impact on our outward appearance think of how are internal health would be affected.I may have to go more in depth of these at another time! but of course you know I'm a nerd and want to do more research. But that doesn't go to say that I won't start making changes now! What about you?
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